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Three distinctive solos emerged from Puzzling, a dance project premiered at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum on December 2018.

In 2019 Puzzling continues by further developing some of the choreographic ideas generated during the initial process. PUZZLING SOLOS is the first outcome of this development. The common thematic axis are: interior-exterior interchange, fragmentation of time and the sound of the bodies. In these solos repetition is the primary tool for the development of the choreography.

There is a pause, there is an interruption and there is a pulse. There is difference and there is variation. There is a glimpse. There is search and a composed gesture. There is form. There are various sounds and a space full of possibilities. There is also the unformed and there is silence. There is the sound of the body. There is fragmentation and space production.

The duration of the pause is not exact. There is distance. There is speed. There is exchange and a sense of meaning. There is a search which connects and questions. There is a body aligned. There is a silence within the curve. There is insistence and attentive listening. And we consider the space.


Artistic direction

Blanca Arrieta
Creation and dance, graphic scores
Mai Ishiwata, Robert Jackson, Blanca Arrieta

Light design

Borja Ruiz

Sound beat

Itziar Madariaga

Artistic accompaniment
Mizel Théret
Artistic collaboration
Mabi Revuelta

Video recording of the creation

André Anta



External partners
Azkuna Zentroa / Alhóndiga Bilbao
CDART / Bilbao Dance Centre
Mano de Santa / Espacio creativo y polivalente

Arragua (Arropaineko)


Ayuntamiento de Bilbao



Thanks to

Museo Guggenheim Bilbao

Facultad de Bellas Artes de Pontevedra (Universidad de Vigo)


Work subsidized by the Culture and Linguistic Policy Department of the Basque Government

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